Devarim/Ki Teitzei - Stones
Chapter Ki Teitzei begins with four themes, in the following order: 1. During a war, a soldier may see a beautiful woman among the prisoners and wish to marry her (after 30 days of preparation) 2. If (after cohabitation with her) he no longer desires her, then he must let her go free 3. If a man has a second wife, one beloved, and the other hated, and the hated one gives birth to his firstborn son, then he must treat him like a firstborn and give him a double portion as an inheritance. 4. If a man has a son who is deviates (from the path of the Torah) and is disobedient, etc. RASHI asks: why does the Torah describe these events side by side and in that exact order? Then he explains that: Torah does not want the warrior to marry this foreign woman, but if he does marry her (point 1), then as a result he will receive points 2,3,4, i.e. in the end he 2) will stop loving her, 3) will hate her, and 4) she will birth to him a rebellious, disobedient son, etc. It is interesting to note here t...