Bamidbar/Korach - Power To Repent
Despite the fact that the sons of Korach fell into the pit, Torah says that they did not die. Rashi explains that they did not die because they repented in their hearts in time. Question: where does the Torah hint long before this episode that the sons of Korach will fall into the pit, but will not die? Or, in other words, where did they get the strength to repent? For example, Yehoshua did not sin because Moshe prayed for him, and added the letter "Yod" to his name, for there was a possibility that without this help he would not survive. So, who prayed for the sons of Korach and gave them the strength to repent and survive? In my opinion, the following answer may be offered: Korach's fall into the pit has some parallels with the story of Yosef's fall into the pit. For example: 1. Korach (by spiritual forces) was thrown into a pit. Yosef (by his brothers) was thrown into a pit 2. The pit of Korach was in the desert (midbar). Yosef's pit is also said to have been i...